Healthy Living Tips

Thinking About Becoming A Mommy – A Few Reasons Why Your Health Status is So Important

Hi everyone! I am have been MIA from the blogging world, and truly have missed it. The last 3-4 months have been crazy, and I just haven’t had time to sit down and let me thoughts flow. So a few updates on why I’ve missing – and then we will get to the important stuff! 

  1. We FINALLY bought a house; something we spent the last year dreaming about and saving for. It’s been a (stressful) blast transforming the house, but it’s finally becoming a home!
  2.  Then, we decided it was a good idea to expand our family .. and get a puppy! 
  3. I’ve been on 3 big trips including California, Michigan, and Florida 
  4. I started Grad School
  5. And last but not least, my best friend, POPPED THE QUESTION! gandn

So as you can see, between updating our house, caring for a puppy, traveling, starting masters classes, and planning a wedding – life has been insane, but all for great reasons. 

Ok, ok, enough about me. What you are actually here for. Nutrition. So while starting my grad classes the importance of maternal health before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after was reinforced. While children are not in my near future many of my friends and relatives are starting to plan for one of the biggest events of their lives! So – my job (and passion) educate you all on the importance of your health status during these stages. 

A women’s health status is one of the most important factors before and during pregnancy. Our health status impacts the life of the infant more than we could have imagined. Recent research links childhood obesity to the mothers weight before and during pregnancy. So lets discussed some important factors that impact the fetus’ and mothers health status so we can have the best health outcomes possible. (Can you guys tell how much I seriously LOVE nutrition? Nerd Status!) 

Weight pregnancy
1. A mother who is overweight or obese is more likely to experience a difficult time conceiving than a healthy weight women
2. When a mother is overweight/obese before and/or during pregnancy there is an increased risk of the child being overweight/obese. 
3. A mother who is overweight/obese and becomes pregnant is at a higher risk of developing Gestational Diabetes, HTN during pregnancy and preeclampsia.
4. Excessive weight gain during pregnancy increases the risk gestation diabetes, retention of extra weight postpartum AND increases the infants risk of type II diabetes and obesity. 

Poor Diet
A poor diet may be overly restricting calories, not eating the recommended portion of fruits and vegetables, and/or excessive calorie intake. 

1. Mothers who are lacking important vitamins and minerals pre-pregnancy increase the risk of developmental disorders, neuro-tube defects, and deficiencies throughout pregnancy which impact the infants health status. 
2. Increased risk of anemia. Anemia during pregnancy impacts the neurological development of the infant and may cause low – birth weight. 
3. Likely if you have a poor diet before pregnancy this will continue throughout your pregnancy which cause excessive weight gain, nutrient deficiencies within mother and infant. Nutrient deficiencies  greatly impact pregnancy in a variety of ways; nutrient deficiencies lead to intrauterine growth retardation and lack of neurological and physical development
4. Inadequate weight gain during pregnancy is also a health risk. If a mother is over restricting calories low birth weight and Intrauterine growth restriction is a risk. If you have a history of disordered eating or an eating disorder please reach out for counseling during your pregnancy to ensure adequate weight gain for you and baby! 

Physical Activity:
1. Physical activity is just important if not more important during pregnancy. Being active during pregnancy helps control weight gain, reduces the risk of Gestational Diabetes, and Hypertension during pregnancy. 
2. Don’t be scared about physically activity during pregnancy, listen to your body and exercise as tolerated. If you were not physically active before pregnancy it is not to late to start! Walking 15 minutes daily is a great start! 

Strongly Consider Breast Feeding:
There are so many more perks to breast feeding than must individuals realize
1. Infants who are breast fed are more likely to eat a larger variety of fruits and vegetables (again depending on what their mother eats while breast feeding!) 
2. Reduced risk of breast cancer for mother
3. Reduced risk of childhood obesity (a vary serious epidemic) and type II diabetes for the infant
I refuse to sit here and tell you breast feeding is easy – because for 75% of women it is not. However, reach out to a registered dietitian or lactation consult to help you be successful before throwing in the towel! 


So the take away points; Mother’s always want the best for their children, and this starts with taking care of yourself. Feed yourself nutrient rich foods, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, be physically active, and don’t tell yourself you are eating for two! 

If you are interested in personalized nutrition before, during, or after pregnancy please feel free to reach out to me! 


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